The hot springs are very relaxing once you get over the fact that you're sitting in a pool with total strangers and no clothes on. The experience reminds of going to the hammam in Tunisia. I would go in tired and dirty, and leave feeling incredibly clean and refreshed. The tubs of the hot springs (separate ones for men and women) are carved out of a cypress tree. One is designed as a rock grotto. The other is more pedestrian, but still very relaxing. (As an aside, the men get to use the nicer one for a longer period of time than the women do!). It's great to be able enjoy the hot springs in the hotel.
L.D. on the hot springs: Hot springs were nice. Very soothing and relaxing. I didn't think twice about the fact that I was in there with a group of strangers. I was surprised that the Japanese were so self-conscious. when we would come in, the Japanese would immediately cover up their private parts while Wesley and I were walking around with everything hanging out.
Wesley on the hot springs: It was hot. I started sweating. I wish that you could turn down the temperature a bit then it would be okay. I thought it was weird not to wear any clothes. Shouldn't you put on a swimsuit?
L.D. on the hot springs: Hot springs were nice. Very soothing and relaxing. I didn't think twice about the fact that I was in there with a group of strangers. I was surprised that the Japanese were so self-conscious. when we would come in, the Japanese would immediately cover up their private parts while Wesley and I were walking around with everything hanging out.
Wesley on the hot springs: It was hot. I started sweating. I wish that you could turn down the temperature a bit then it would be okay. I thought it was weird not to wear any clothes. Shouldn't you put on a swimsuit?
This is also where you shower (not in the springs it before you enter) because there are no bathrooms or toilets in the room. The toilet is unisex and quite charming, except for the fact that the urinals are out in the open. I always make LD or Wesley go with me to act as my scout to make sure that I am not surprised in my way in or out. I'm pretty open-minded, but there are some things that I don't need to experience.
It's been a lovely stay. The photos below will give you a taste of the experience.
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